Computer Build 2022 – AMD Ryzen 7 – ASUS X570 Pro – Corsair Pro SL 16gb

Usually everything goes smoothly, the components are assembled and windows loaded.

No so much this time! Something different this time was the use of a water pump cooler which led to issues mainly due to being unfamiliar as to how to mount the cooler. From a build point of view everything else was fine but would recommend that all the necessary connections to the modular PSU are fitted first. Initially I found a cable was missing which was difficult to insert afterwards.

On power up we noted a message from BIOS that the Processor fan was missing, this involved disabling the CPU fan monitoring because we were using water cooling.

Windows 11 installation reported that our system was not compatible!!! Seems TPM needed to be enabled in BIOS. When the heart rate had subsided and windows installed progress was good.

We did, however, notice the memory was not running at rated speed. Back to BIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Build

Corsair Pro SL 16gb

When we enabled DOCP in BIOS it failed to load opening in safe mode despite having correctly recognised the memory. The only was we could get the BIOS to load was to reduce speed to 3200Mhz from rated 3600Mhz.
Corsair was contacted. I feel that when contact is made and customer is asked to preform technical tasks you are about to get the runaround from a call centre, eventually being told the memory was not compatible despite corsair website suggesting it was. Only when I asked for the issue to be escalated did the answer appear. This was to move the memory cards from the black to the grey sockets! A simple answer that would have saved a lot of work and stress had it been given in the first instance.

Ordinarily, I visit the Crucial website and let their memory tool do the work and have never been let down.

Overall, a learning experience for future builds.