Royal Black came to Bangor on 27 August 2022 for their annual “Last Saturday” parade. It was a fabulous day with superb weather, the town was packed with visitors, Black Men and bands. Lovely to see!
Perhaps the weather was a little to good for some in heavy uniforms and regalia. Nonetheless it seemed that everyone was having a great time, none more so than the guy in front of the camera who was enjoying the time of his life. Seemed he knew so many people in the parade and was making the most of the day.
I was particularly impressed to see how many young people participating in the parade, well done to the Loyal Orders.
The video is a bit wobbly as “someone” forgot to check that image stabilization was switched on!! Only for the last few minutes was the error noticed. Normally there would be no reason to switch off IS so I must assume it occurs during handling of what is a fairly heavy camera setup. Mental note to always check.
I would like, on occasions, to go live on my phone but I need to maintain 1000 subscribers on YouTube. Perhaps you would be so kind as to subscribe, it cost nothing. Ta! Video is 4K but YouTube takes time to process.